6 Things You Say to Yourself Before You Leave For Your Study Abroad Program

The ISA Journal

Colin Van Ert is a student at the  University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and an ISA Featured Blogger. Colin is currently studying abroad with ISA in Florianópolis, Brazil .


The time leading up to your first study abroad adventure is full of excitement and anxiety.  A million thoughts go racing through your mind as you mull over all the potentially great experiences that lie ahead while at the same time trying to account for all contingencies and potential for ruin.  As you get closer and closer to your departure date thoughts only become more frantic.  I describe it like being on a roller coaster.  The few days just before your trip is like riding the cart to the top of the track and the day you leave is when you drop and the ride begins.  Here are some of the things you’re thinking on the way up: 

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